Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Double Eyelid Surgery in Korea

Double eyelid surgery is one of the most familiar surgery in Korea. Many people of different countries like Thailand, Vietman, Singapore & others also very known and done by this surgery . This double eyelid surgery is also known as monolid or Blepharoplasty. This procedure involves the removal or repositioning of excess tissues.

Besically Double eyelid surgery people do to have <a href=""> bigger eyes </a>
, clear vision & attractive looks. Some do natural double eyelids that others can’t understand what s/he did anything in his/ her eyes. But, it’s not suitable for heavy fat or muscle eyes.
Some clients prefer Parital incisional double eyelid surgery. It gives natural & clear double eyelidline with minimal incision. With thick fat eyelid only can have this surgery because if there a amount of double eyelid surgery it can be difficult.
Another one is Incisional Double  eyelid surgery . This is most common term in eyelid surgery which adjusted the skin around eyelids, muscle, fat, connectivity tissue by removing extra fat & also has wrinkle removal effect. Eyelid surgery needs 2-4 weeks. For One month it can be frustrating But after three month it will be comfortable with a natural beautiful look . Any make up can be use after 1 month beautifully & eyes also look gorgeous .
Recovery also depends on thickness of skin & the method of the surgery done. So it is best for a client to make a decision & it have to be face to face with concern doctor. But doing a secondary surgery after six month of first surgery is recommended. Behind this there are some reasons  which possibly depends condition ‘are eye tissues stabled enough or not?’ It can make a big difference of result.

Re-operation in eyelid surgery may be very critical. Without well-trained. Skilled, experienced surgeon & also without any consultation with any specialist, it should not be run. Basically specialists find out the causes of the problems and perform operation to do a safe & satisfying result for the client. During any consultation, ask specific, detailed questions, view several before/after photos of the surgeon's work, and obtain several referrals from past patients to inquire about their experiences. Board certified plastic surgeons will be happy to provide you with this information.  

Over the years, eyelids can start to sag. Not only can they make a person look older, but they may feel very heavy. If you are experiencing droopy lids, you may wonder if an elective blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery. If you think you want to have your eyes look charming with a surgery , you should careful & u should do whatever your mind want.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Nose surgery In Korea

Nose is the most important part which can change one’s face.  But there is a lot of people who are not happy with their look just because of shape, size or angle of their nose. Some are not happy with too large, too small, or not proportion to the rest of their face.  On the other side there are some who have breathing problems which resulting irregularities inside & few have nasal hump or a nasal tip which is dropping or too elevated or wide.
In this kind of cases people want to reconstruction their nose which can call nose surgery or nose job. But it’s not a small decision to take & also need some idea, determination, and suggestion. In Korea there are some clinics who are  able to give their client a perfect nose job with all clients’ satisfaction. Comfort and Continuous Researches in order clients to live happier lives with confidence through the ceaseless efforts and research activities towards beauty of the medical staffs who put foremost priority on the safety of their clients.
There are two general classified techniques for making nasal surgery

Open rhinoplasty
In open rhinoplasty , the incisions are made outside. Basically in this nose fully opened providing visualization of nasal structures and a more direct route for surgical manipulation. the surgeon makes a small, irregular incision to the columella, the fleshy, exterior-end of the nasal septum; this columellar incision is additional to the usual set of incisions for a nasal correction.
Endonasal rhinoplasty
In endonasal rhinoplasty , operation happens inside the nasal passages. & after the surgery happen , no incision shown. Endonasal approach say that it permits more limited dissection of nasal tissues, offers excellent visualization of nasal structures, and eliminates the visible scar at the base of the nose.

Risks #
There can be my complication come out like
1. Allergic reaction
2. changes of sensation
3. Infection
4. Bleeding Or sirum may come out
5.Unwanted any complication
So this is important to make client clear about aesthetic goals when procedure is planned .Rhinoplasty should only be performed on a nosewhich is a finised way & cannot grow more or sometimes its continuing growing which causes potential complications. So it is important to make a good relationship with aesthetic plastic surgeon.

Surgery that makes a natural for those who r disappointed with their nose. & in Korea nose job is very popular . They can do different shapes like aquiline, sunb, deviated nose. Korea does perfect work on plastic surgery & they do really very amazing job .